All You Need To Know About Business Leadership
Leadership is not all about power or importance. Leadership is more about a servant attitude and inspiring confidence and other emotions in the people you're leading. These things are so important, and you must focus on the right leadership skills in order to accomplish them. Perhaps it's time to be looking in a different direction. Use a mentor. Find someone whose leadership skills you trust, and model your behavior after theirs. Watch them for a while, and get an idea of how they lead and what makes them a good leader. You don't want to mimic them completely, but find what works about their style and incorporate it into a style that works for you. Don't let good talent go to waste. If someone is earning huge profits for your company, be sure to promote them, give them a raise, or, if you aren't in a position to do those things, recommend the person to someone who is. If you fail to do this, you might find that the employee has left for your competitor. A good lead...